CANSURV PROGRAM: Version 1.0. [Model Specifications] Input File = C:\Projects\Cansurv\Manual\Example\Colorectal\Sample\CansurvSample.txt Data Format = Stratified Data with Grouped Survival Time Survival Type = Relative Survival Analysis Algorithm = Actuarial Analysis Survival Model = Cure Model Distribution specification = Log-normal Number of Covariates = 1 [Convergence Criteria] Parameter Convergence Criteria : |beta(old) - beta(new)|<0.000001 Function Convergence Criteria : |f(old) - f(new)|<0.000001 Number of Iterations at Each Trial : 50 [Covariates Included in Parameters] SEER historic stage (L,R,D) Cure (C) : Yes Parameter 1 (Mu) : Yes Parameter 2 (Sigma) : No [Input Data Information] Number of Cohorts = 3 Maximum Follow-Up Intervals = 20 [Final Estimates and Tests] Parameter Estimate Std-Error Wald X2 Prob>X2 Cure (C) : Intercept (C) 1.627367 0.027527 3494.924886 0.000000 SEER historic stage (L,R,D) Localized . . . . Regional -1.793556 0.029165 3781.770102 0.000000 Distant -4.801077 0.041936 13107.013753 0.000000 Parameter 1 (Mu) : Intercept (U) 0.861686 0.032462 704.626261 0.000000 SEER historic stage (L,R,D) Localized . . . . Regional 0.047297 0.032384 2.132999 0.144158 Distant -1.267274 0.034190 1373.847204 0.000000 Parameter 2 (Sigma) : Intercept (S) 0.116969 0.006841 292.310465 0.000000 Log-Likelihood value: -399445.35 Convergence Status : Convergence of both first partial derivatives and parameters [Chi-square of Goodness-of-fit] Pearson Chi-Square: 1013.5608 Degrees of Freedom: 53 P-value of Chi-square:1.0169808e-177