An official website of the United States government

Display Options

While displaying the Output Results from a joinpoint run, you may want to configure how the information is displayed. On the task bar, click the options button Output.Options.jpg to show the Display Options window.

The Display Options window allows you to customize the output that is being displayed in the Output Results window. Each of the tabs on this window correspond to a tab on the Output Results window. Options include:

Graph Tab

  • The Titles and Labels for the graph.
  • Whether to show the legend and where to place it.
  • Show APC Ranges.
  • Sizing for the X and Y Axis.
  • The colors and symbols to use when displaying the graph.


Statistics Tab

The statistics tab contains the following boxes. Each box contains the options associated with the box name.

Data Tab Options

  • Which statistics to display.
  • The number of decimal places to show for values.

Model Estimates Tab

  • Which statistics to display.
  • The number of decimal places to show for values.

Trends Tab

  • Which statistics to display.
  • The number of decimal places to show for values.

Model Selection Tab

  • The number of decimal places to show for values.


  • The number of decimal places to show for values.

 Decimal Separator

  • Select the decimal separator (period or comma) you want shown in the output.

Note, the options you select will be saved with that particular output file (if you save the file after changing the options). If you would like your preferences to always be the default for any new Joinpoint runs, click on Set as Default after you have set the options the way you desire. In the future, you can select Load Defaults to bring back your saved defaults. On the Graph tab, only the Legend and Colors and Symbols sections are saved as defaults.